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I am Shoog McDaniel, a southern, queer, non-binary, fat photographer and artist living in Gainesville, florida. I have been taking photos since high school, when a friend of mine dumpster dove 200 disposable cameras from behind a Walgreens. I became obsessed, and began documenting everything. I now shoot with a canon 6D, and have yet to take a break from capturing intimate moments and beautiful people in my everyday life. My work is about highlighting bodies and lives that are often overlooked by popular society. I enjoy photographing fat bodies, trans bodies, and queer bodies. People`with gap-toothed smiles and missing buttons. I capture images of my friends. With little exceptions, I have a connection with the humans in my photos and I intend to show that through the intimacy of my portraits. I strive to connect the viewer of each photo to beauty within themselves, through understanding the brilliancy of diversity, by showing them that there are many ways to be beautiful. I also focus my lens on the wildlife that Florida has to offer, and I live to expose the majestic nature of Florida's fresh water springs that hold me up when thin.cis.het.patriarchy gets me down.

In addition to my photography, I also create artwork using ink and watercolor that is reminiscent of a world I would like to see. Underwater dreamscapes hold fat mer-people, with genders unknown embracing and multi-colored gopher tortoises hunker down in their sandy nests. I really enjoy using vivid color and imagination.

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